Is It December Already?
What Year???
December 17, 2006
Forgive me, it has been many days since my last journal update. Ruby is still a dream come true to all of us. She continues to settle in and it seems as though she has been a part of the family forever. Jada loves her and they get along beautifully. It is so sweet to hear Jada voice concern when she thinks Ruby is going to be slighted in some situation or another. I hope she feels this sense of protection for her sister this way their whole life.
And Ruby LOVES being around Jada. Of course, everything Jada is doing, Ruby wants to be right in the thick of it. More times than not, however, Jada wants her there as well. That’s a bit different from what I remember growing up with my four brothers and sisters. This too, I hope will carry on for years to come.
Ruby is still quite the sleeper. She still goes down between 7:00 and 8:00, and you can pretty much count on not hearing her holler “Mama” until about 12 hours later. We continue to count our blessings where her sleep patterns are concerned.
Ruby loves riding in a car and will sit quiet and still for hours on long road trips; another thing for which we will be eternally grateful. She is getting more and more used to the attention she gets when we are out in public. She still feels the safest in Mommy or Daddy’s arms, but she is getting slightly bolder and will usually go to people she has been around a few times.
So, I’ll leave you for now with a few pictures taken in the last month or so. After the holidays, I’ll add another journal entry along with some pictures from Christmas, New Year’s, and Jada’s birthday party. Let’s just hope I can get to it before Groundhog Day (2/2). HA!